Matfen Hotel Golf & Spa


Tom from the club got in touch, the club already had a unit that was installed 18 months or so prior, and we then discussed a second unit as well as servicing the original unit that was installed.

Client’s Situation

In terms of things that would of been issues for the club, these had already been rectified when the club took the first unit, i.e. the club installed electrics and a sufficient area for the units to be housed when taking the first unit.

Our Solution

Since the club already had a unit, they knew exactly what to expect from the unit and its performance, through to the ease of the installation and commissioning of the unit itself. We added in the second unit with the footbox and utilised the space to the left of the unit with a grate meaning that trolleys and caddies could also be cleaned.

Client’s Benefits

Club are exceptionally happy with the set up they now have, and the output that it gives them is more than enough for the members.